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Centro de Fertilidad Barcelona, Spain

Centro de Fertilidad Barcelona

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 3200 EUR
IVF cost from: 1800 EUR
IREMA clinic

Fertility and Assisted Reproduction IREMA

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 2950 EUR
IVF cost from: 1620 EUR
Clinica Tambre in Spain

Clinica Tambre Madrid

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 3995 EUR
IVF cost from: 1550 EUR
Eugin Reception


Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 3910 EUR
IVF cost from: 2124 EUR
Instituto iGin


Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 0 EUR
IVF cost from: 1860 EUR
UR Vistahermosa

UR Vistahermosa

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 3250 EUR
IVF cost from: 1200 EUR
Institut Marques clinic building

Institut Marquès

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 3700 EUR
IVF cost from: 2750 EUR
Gutenberg URE

URE Centro Gutenberg

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 2500 EUR
IVF cost from: 1000 EUR


Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 3100 EUR
IVF cost from: 1850 EUR
Instituto Bernabeu

Instituto Bernabeu

Country: Spain
Egg donation cost from: 4000 EUR
IVF cost from: 1500 EUR
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Looking for "best" IVF clinic abroad?
We analyse your needs, egg donor availability, destination preferences and find top IVF Clinics for you.