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Exclusive Interview: PreGen clinic

1. Why seek treatment in Spain?

• What makes your country stand out from to other medical destinations
We are pioneers in reproduction, we have the best quality and personalized treatments, all kind of phenotype donors, all genetically screened and healthy. Our city has international airport and we offer a taxi service.

• What are the standards of treatment in your country?
Patients need some specific and standard tests in order to schedule the most adequate treatment plan for them.

• From which countries do your international patients come? Please specify the country name along with the average percentage of international patients from each country.
We have patients from England, Ireland, Norway, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Holland, US, Sweden, Oriental countries.

• Do patients expect treatment to be in their native language?
Not all of them. We have translators for English, French, Italian, German, Dutch but we usually manage with English.

• What percentage of patients from abroad are treated in their native language?
We have translators for English, French, Italian, German, Dutch but we usually communicate in English.

• In which languages do you offer treatment to international patients?
We have translators for English, French, Italian, German, Dutch but we usually communicate in English.

• Which services/procedures do patients most frequently use in your clinic?
IVF and Egg donation with ICSI, sperm donation, Embryoscope, MACS and PGS.

• How long do patients need to wait for donor eggs?
To find the most suitable donor, matching their phenotypical details and then do all the tests to the donor to confirm that she is healthy and good it could take between 2 weeks to 1 month.

• By what criteria do patients choose treatments in Spain, as opposed to e.g. The Czech Republic?
In Spain we have better results with the best procedures. We guarantee healthy donors, not share program, Blastocysts and 3 maximum embryos to transfer.

2. Treatment range

• Do you offer egg donation? YES
• Do you offer frozen egg donation? NO
• Do you offer IVF for single woman? YES
• Do you offer IVF for same sex parents? YES
• Do you offer Sex selection? NO
• Do you offer Sperm donation? YES
• Do you offer Embryo donation? YES
• Do you offer Surrogacy? YES
• Do you offer PGS? YES
• Do you offer PGD? YES

3. Costs & success rates

• What do you think about the standard price of services provided in Spain, in comparison with other countries?
We have very good prices in Spain, compared with the rest of Europe, and in addition, in our Hospital we have better prices than in the rest of the Clinics as we could with all the facilities necessary to carry out any kind of treatment and we do not need to contact an external service.

• Are success rate data monitored? By whom?
Yes, the success rate is monitored by our Unit, the Hospital we work in, the Health Ministry and the Spanish Fertility Association.

• What do you think about treatments success rates in Spain?
They are the best of the whole Europe, both in our Reproduction Unit as well as in our Genetic Unit.

• How do you think success rates might be improved?
Continuing with the investigation and research and collaborating with the Universities and investigation centers.

4. Law / legislation

• What laws regulate IVF treatment?
Law 14/2006 and Royal Decree 412/1996.

• Are there any associations or legislative bodies governing, overseeing or monitoring the quality of IVF clinics in Spain?
Yes, the Spanish Health Ministry and the Spanish Fertility Association.

• Which procedures may be legally performed in Spanish fertility clinics?
Artificial Insemination, Artificial Insemination with donor sperm, IVF, IVF with donor sperm, Egg donation, egg and sperm donation, Embryoscope, Eeva, MACS, PGD, PGS.

• Are there any legal limitation to treatments?
Limit of age of 50 years old, maximum number of embryos to transfer 3, maximum number of donations (6 pregnancies per donors), age permitted for donors between 18-35 years old, anonymous donors.

• What laws regulate the donation of eggs?
Law 14/2006 and Royal Decree 412/1996.

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