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All You need to know about Donor Program in ReproGenesis



There is no doubt that it is very difficult for a couple to discover they are not able to have their own biological children. But fortunately, modern medicine now offers the opportunity to fight infertility. With the help of donor genetic material, such couples may now experience pregnancy and the birth of their child!

Knowing that you cannot have your own biological children is heartbreaking. But, along with adoption, artificial reproduction offers a viable solution. Donor program makes it possible for the couple to experience all the wonders of pregnancy and childbirth as well as the joy of raising their child together.

And with the latest scientific discovery, when it was found out that infertile women whose only option for child is  to use donor eggs DO STILL PASS their own DNA to their child, it is now making the whole emotional process for couples easier! One main sadness infertile women experience is that their child has none of their genetic information but this latest research shows in principle the baby will have some DNA from her even though the egg is from another woman! And that is why she will pass her genetic information to the baby as well! It is such an amazing discovery helping so many couples´decision to go through the donation process less challenging!

We in ReproGenesis specialize in helping couples who are facing challenges of conceiving a child because they cannot produce healthy germ cells, suffer from genetic disorders or have undergone an oncological treatment that caused damage to biological cells.

ReproGenesis´ donor program is very detailed, our donor database became the most advanced in the Czech Republic,  therefore we are immediately able to locate the best match for each couple in treatment. We focus on near-perfect match of couples´ physical features, character traits, hobbies, and interests while respecting personal wishes and specific needs. Our  donor program includes: Donor eggs, Donor sperm, Donor embryos.

We know, that among the most frequently asked question about donor program is, why do young women decide to donate oocytes, since to undergo donation process is for them much more challenging than to man donor. Well, egg donation the same as blood and plasma donation are few of the many ways how to personally help. Potential donors are, within a personal interview, also asked about their motivation  to donate and the most frequent responses include: I want to help… Someone close needs to get pregnant or in need of donated eggs / has trouble conceiving… If I help now, it is likely than when I might need help one day I would also find someone who will be willing to.


Our requirements for a potential donor, in addition to all negative tests – blood tests to exclude infectious diseases (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, cytomegalovirus), genetic tests (karyotype and cystic fibrosis, SMA, FRAX), blood tests to determine blood group and Rh factor, hormonal tests, ultrasound scans are: BMI not exceeding 25, non-smokers, at least secondary education, absolutely no drugs use in past and no permanent medication use, also no psychiatric disorder and illness and no known hereditary diseases in family history.


  • ovaries have been removed or their function has been compromised by a chemotherapy
  • ovaries no longer produce eggs
  • ovaries are unable to produce healthy eggs
  • ovaries produce produce eggs that carry a genetic disease


All egg donors are women 18-29 years of age. All of our donors are tested for mental diseases, genetic and hormonal disorders as well as infectious diseases including HIV. Women entering our egg donor database have undergone the following medical exams and procedures: an interview with a psychologist, an ultrasound exam, a check-up, tests for STDs (HIV, HBsAG, CMV, syphilis), a hormonal profile, blood and Rh typing and a genetic disorder screening test (karyotype, gene mutation, cystic fibrosis, Fragile X syndrome and Spinal muscular atrophy). All egg donors hold a post-secondary degree or are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program. Under the laws of the Czech Republic, egg donation is anonymous. All donors are of Czech nationality. Only eggs from donors examined according to European Parliament and European Council Directive 2004/23/ES and Act No. 296/2008 and Regulation 422/2008 are used in treatments where donated germ cells are required.


  • testes have been removed, or their function has been compromised by a chemotherapy
  • sperm quality test shows too many abnormalities
  • semen includes no sperm
  • the sperm carries a genetic disease


All sperm donors are men 18-35 years of age. All of our donors are tested for mental diseases, genetic and hormonal disorders as well as infectious diseases including HIV. Men entering our sperm donor database have undergone the following medical exams and procedures: an interview with a psychologist, a checkup, tests for STDs (HIV, HBsAG, CMV, syphilis, chlamydia), blood and Rh typing and a genetic disorder screening test (karyotype, gene mutation and cystic fibrosis). All sperm donors hold a post-secondary degree or are currently enrolled in a post-secondary program. Under the laws of the Czech Republic, sperm donation is anonymous. All donors are of Czech nationality. Only sperm from donors examined according to European Parliament and European Council Directive 2004/23/ES and Act No. 296/2008 and Regulation 422/2008 are used in treatments where donated germ cells are required.


Donor embryos are the result of combining donor eggs with donor sperm, so the reasons for treatment are combination of egg donor and sperm donor treatment reasons:

  • ovaries cannot produce healthy eggs
  • eggs carry a genetic disease
  • sperm quality test shows too many abnormalities
  • semen includes no sperm
  • sperm carries a genetic disease
  • no success treatment with the couple’s own embryos


For a cycle with donor eggs:

  • a donor who meets your requirements
  • all the eggs from your donor; that normally means 6 to 8 quality eggs
  • two quality embryos will be ready for the transfer after the five-day cultivation

For a cycle with donor embryos (fresh embryos):

  • an egg donor who meets your requirements
  • a sperm donor who meets your requirements
  • all the eggs from your donor; that normally means 6 to 8 quality eggs
  • a minimum of two quality embryos for the transfer after five-day cultivation
  • a minimum of two quality embryos for freezing after five-day cultivation

For a cycle with donor embryos (frozen embryos):

  • embryos which meet your requirements
  • freezing of embryos is conducted after five days of cultivation, when they are in blastocyst stage
  • the option to choose a transfer of one or two embryos
  • embryos are selected and frozen once they have reached blastocyst stage, Embryoscope is used for the selection – Embryo Monitoring


When one IVF cycle is conducted, the success rate of treatment with donor eggs and donor embryos is between 48% and 68% (only clinical pregnancies are included in the rate, i.e. when fetal heartbeat is confirmed during an ultrasound examination). The success is closely related with the recipient’s age and with the quality of her endometrium. However, up to 90% of patients become pregnant during the course of three treatments with donor eggs or donor embryos (fresh embryos).

We would like to support you in your effort to overcome the obstacles on your way to parenthood by offering the following: if you repeatedly undergo your treatment with donor eggs or donor embryos (fresh, not frozen) at our clinic, we can offer you the so called „Shared Risk Program“.

How does a „Shared Risk Program“ work?

  • the first treatment cycle is covered by the treated couple in full, as per our current price list
  • if a second cycle is necessary, the treated couple covers the full price, as per our current price list
  • in the case of a third cycle, only a part of the treatment is covered by the patient, the costs of embryological procedures (i.e. ICSI, prolonged cultivation and assisted hatching) as well as Embryo Monitoring are covered by ReproGenesis

The treatment involving donor gametes may result in multiple embryos. Healthy embryos that are not transferred into the uterus may be frozen for future use. If pregnancy is achieved, it is possible to implant embryos from the same cycle to produce biological siblings for your child.

Of course, it is also possible to use additional donor material from the same donor whose biological material resulted in a successful pregnancy, if the additional material is available.

A treatment cycle with donor eggs takes 4 to 6 weeks.

Let us help you, we do know how.
ReproGenesis Team.

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