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IVF in Czech Clinic, Praga Medica

ivf czech clinic

Did you know that 20% of Czech couples have some kind of problems with fertility? It is a big number and it is unfortunately slowly growing. This health issue is quite common in the Czech Republic. Infertility is never biased and touches couples of different educational and income levels. With the infertility problem rising and IVF in Czech fertility clinics being more advanced, increasingly more babies are born using IVF methods. The estimates show that in 15-20 years’ time 50% of all births will be a result of some kind of assisted reproduction.

Is it woman’s or man’s problem?

We should not blame any of the sexes. Taking all cases into account it is usually 40% of women and 40% of men who have some fertility issues. The remaining 20% are cases where both partners need to have treatment. What are the most frequent infertility root causes in women? Damage to female reproductive parts, hormonal imbalance or egg nesting difficulties. On the other hand, men suffer from low sperm quality, ductus deferens blocking or chromosomal sperm failure. Some couples suffer from genetic disorders, negative environmental impact and some even have problems with sexual intercourse.” We’ve had a case of a couple who visited Praga Medica doctors because of their alleged inability to become parents. They asked for artificial insemination to be perfomred for them. Both of them were perfectly healthy. The surprising reason was that the couple did not have intercourse,”said R. Horák, representative of Praga Medica. This case is, obviously, extreme but they also happen.

Increasingly more international patients travel to Europe and specifically to the Czech Republic for different types of fertility treatments. They know that Czech healthcare is affordable (even 50% more affordable than in the clinics in the western European countries) and of top quality. “Most of our fertility patients come all the way from Ireland, England or the US. The most frequent treatment the patients have is egg donation,” says Horák.

ivf czech

Do you have difficulties getting pregnant?

If you’ve been trying to conceive naturally for nearly a year, you can be perfectly healthy. You have about 75% chance you will get pregnant. However, if you have been trying for more than a year without success, it worth contacting Praga Medica which will be able to help 95% of couples. This is your chance of fulfilling your dreams about a family with a healthy, beautiful baby.

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