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GERI – the new ART technology in PreGen Laboratory

geri ivf fertility clinic

PreGen, a fertility centre from Alicante, Spain with 34+ years of experience has introduced new technology in their Reproduction Unit, UR Vistahermosa. Geri incubator, the most advanced embryo culture technology in the world has been incorporated in the laboratory.  All that to achieve the highest success rates and to help reduce multiple pregnancies.

The latest development in Time Lapse technology, Geri allows better selection of the best embryos to be transferred, with greater security and accuracy.

The new device incorporates high resolution cameras for the continued capture of images (Time Lapse) which allows to study the embryo morphology and to obtain maximum information. It contains six photo cameras, one in each incubator, with 11 focal planes for the collection of accurate images of the embryos during their development. Geri has an independent modular system, with a maximum capacity of 6 patients (16 embryos per patient). It becomes a personalised incubator, making individual identification easy, identifying the key parameters to avoid any risk of confusion or manipulation.

‘’Each compartment maintains its own temperature, pH and environment of perfect conditions’’, explains Dr. Juan Manuel Moreno, the Laboratory Manager, ‘’in such a way that the patient’s embryos will not be altered by the opening of the door in case any failure may happen’’. Geri has ‘’very intuitive software, is easy to operate which is important for speeding up the lab processes’’. The unit specialist reveals that this device will soon allow the symbiosis of the Time Lapse systems (Geri with Eeva), to considerably improve embryo selection.

‘’An embryologist can clearly distinguish between high quality embryos and low quality embryos; the problem occurs when we have several high-quality embryos to choose from. Here is where EEVA systems, once integrated to Geri, will help us know which is the best embryo, as its technology works with more than 50 morphological parameters to determine the most optimal embryo’’, specifies Dr. Moreno.

pregen ivf clinic

The Medical Director of PreGen/UR Vistahermosa, Dr. Jose López Gálvez claims that ‘’it is the most improved Time Lapse technology which, together with the ones that we already have in the laboratory, will provide us with very accurate selections to transfer a unique embryo with revolutionary safety, as well as to avoid multiple pregnancies’’. Thus, PreGen Reproduction Unit becomes a pioneer in the province of Alicante, as well as in the Valencian Community, for technological innovation applied to Reproductive Medicine. ‘’PreGen offers guarantees and efficiency to the clinic’s patients. PreGen is a pioneer in Spanish fertility market and combines the latest advances of technology with high success rates and highest professionalism’’, remarks Dr. López Gálvez.

If you would like to contact the clinic, your can do it via UR Vistahermosa clinic profile. To find out more about the clinic and technologies used there read Exclusive Interview with Pregen fertility experts and the article about Assisted Reproduction at PreGen.

1 thought on “GERI – the new ART technology in PreGen Laboratory”

  1. I’ve heard about pregen from my cousin. Has anyone have any experience with the doctors there??

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