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IVF money back guarantee program at Instituto Bernabeu

ivf money back guarantee

Instituto Bernabeu has over 32 years of experience in the field of fertility medicine and has already assisted 46,400 patients from 63 different countries. This reproductive medicine centre based in Alicante, Spain and is led by a highly specialised team including gynaecologists, embryologists, biologists, geneticists and endocrinologists, in addition to the latest technology and specialised laboratories. It is also one of the first clinics to offer IVF money back guarantee to its patients.

What if you don’t get pregnant the first try?

In a world where almost everything can be purchased, undergoing an assisted reproduction treatment with the uncertainty of whether we will achieve our goal may be very disheartening. It is like buying a box without knowing whether there is something inside. Fertility specialists are aware that undergoing IVF treatment does not always guarantee a happy ending (read more about success with donor eggs). But we all know that the initial uncertainty is worth it, once you get to hold your dream baby in your arms. It is important not to get disheartened after the first failed IVF. Many women get pregnant after their second, third or even fifth attempt and all of them say they never looked back. However, if they didn’t benefit from IVF guarantee, they know that many unsuccessful attempts may result in increased expenses. That is why Instituto Bernabeu has created 100% Pregnancy Guarantee Programme. This IVF refund program has been born from the clinic’s commitment towards their patients and a desire to provide 100% patient satisfaction and a viable pregnancy. This way the clinic can provide couples with peace of mind and certainty that in case they need to have more attempts they will not lose their life-time savings.

The Pregnancy Guarantee Programme was introduced three years ago. It is safe to say that fertility specialists from Instituto Bernabeu were pioneers in offering this type of IVF guarantee. EggDonationFriends.com have asked the clinic what were the reasons behind creating such IVF refund program. The clinic’s representative explained that the doctors at Instituto Bernabeu put a lot of trust in their work and their IVF treatment results, they know they have excellent staff, research and equipment to achieve successful IVF pregnancy. Last but not least, the fertility team at the clinic wants to reassure patients that they will finally achieve their dream of becoming parents.

How does the IVF money-back guarantee work?

IVF money back guarantee at Instituto Bernabeu eliminates the financial risks of undergoing IVF with donor eggs treatment that often involves a large amount of highly sophisticated tests. Pregnancy Guarantee Programme involves the refund of all amounts paid in case of failing to achieve a full term pregnancy. Patients who opt for this IVF money guarantee program will have a wide range of medical services and tests available to help them achieve a viable pregnancy, with peace of mind of having access to treatment for a period of 18 months. The treatment includes:

  1. all required ultrasound scans,
  2. blood tests,
  3. reviews and check-ups,
  4. comprehensive studies including, to name a few:
  • karyotypes,
  • Genetic Compatibility Test (GCT) for embryos to prevent the transmission of more than 600 hereditary diseases and
  • an analysis to identify Fragile X full mutations.

Fertility doctors at Instituto Bernabeu know that undergoing assisted reproduction treatment may imply a heavy emotional load on women and even their partners. If you do not get pregnant the first time, you still have a chance to try again without breaking your household budget. Instituto Bernabeu team is confident in their good results and the quality, cutting edge treatments they apply that they are happy to take on the financial risk.

Looking for other “IVF refund” options? Read our Comprehensive Guide to Refund / Guarantee IVF programs in Europe.

Find out more about IVF refund program

If you are considering IVF with donor eggs at Instituto Bernabeu, you should know that the clinic is accredited and certified by the international ISO 9001:2008, SEP seal, EFQM and SEP standards and has received IVF AWARD for IVF Agency of the Year 2016. At the clinic, the doctors aim to make every couple’s dream come true without financial suffering in the process, thanks to their IVF guarantee.

With a commitment to excellence and a track record of success, Instituto Bernabeu offers a supportive and transparent approach to IVF with donor eggs and other fertility treatments. Contact Instituto Bernabeu for a consultation to discuss how their comprehensive services and guarantee programs can help you on your journey to parenthood.

12 thoughts on “IVF money back guarantee program at Instituto Bernabeu”

  1. Hi there,

    We’re from Ireland. I’m 38 and my husband is 39. We’ve been trying to conceive for over 2 years, never having achieved a pregnancy and also have just had a failed off cycle. Would we qualify for the refund scheme if we were to use your clinic? We do not wish to use donor eggs. There is no problem with either of us i.e. regular ovulation and healthy and mobile sperm. Thanks

    1. Hello Lisa,
      We’re sorry to hear about your failed cycle. First of all, the doctors need to establish why the cycle with your own eggs and sperm failed. We will contact you in a priavte message and get you in touch with the clinic to find out about the refund in your case.

  2. Hi I’m 42 I tested 12 fsh and 7.6 amp all other tests come back clear fallopian tubes are clear.. would I be able to get my money back if unsuccessful?
    How much does it cost with medication included.

  3. Hello I am interested in IVF with donor egg. I am interested in the money back guarantee IVF package. What is the cost of this package?

  4. Hi There,

    I am interested in the money back guarantee IVF package and donor eggs refund package. What are the cost of those packages?

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    1. EggDonationFriends.com

      Hello Hidob,
      thank you for contacting us. We’ll get in touch with you by e-mail regarding the pricing and refund program requirements.

  5. Hi There,

    I am 39 and interested in the money back guarantee IVF/ donor eggs refund package. What are the cost of those packages please?


  6. Bonjour,

    Je souhaite devenir maman par le biais d’une PMA pour femme seule.
    Je ne veux pas passer par le don d’ovocytes. Je suis intéressée par le forfait de garantie de remboursement.
    Pourriez-vous m’envoyer toutes les informations nécessaires à mon projet?

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